Paula's Journal

My niece by marriage, Paula is going through cancer treatment for breast cancer. She starts chemo tomorrow. My daughter Laurie and their other cousin , Carla is supporting her through this. Laurie mentioned she told Paula she should journal her emotions. I scanned this before adding
any embellishments. I think I will sell these journals.Who hasn't had an unexpected journey down this road of life? I need one of these myself!
I have been heartsick because I haven't been able to help my sis-in-law, Phyl. She has been fighting pancreatic cancer and had many setbacks. A couple weeks ago she fell and broke her shoulder. Her arm was in a sling. Saturday she fell and broke her arm, wrist, ribs and hip.I will be making a journal for her and maybe her visitors and family can keep it updated.
I can't leave Mom for any length of time now. She has recovered from broncitis/flu but is extremely unstable on her feet, and very forgetful. She only has 20% of her sight and less of her hearing.I just thought I'd throw that update in for friends and family who read my blog.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving comments. judym
It is a lovely and thoughtful journey. There are not many of us that haven't known someone personally suffer from this insidious disease. My mum had a breast removed, as did my aunty. My mum survived breast cancer to pass away from pancreatic cancer last year. You have your hands full with your mum, I'm sure that your family understands and know you would be there if you could.
Sorry, that should have said journal, not journey, though it is a journey taken.
What a lovely thought. The journal will help them deal with the pain and the fear. You're family has their hands full and I think it is amazing that you have the heart and strength to do this for her. God bless.
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